I've got no Q. I've wracked my brain, read every q in the dictionary, asked for help and I have no q. I thought Q is for quilt but I don't quilt. I bought this in the Amish country. It's a teeny tiny quilt in a frame. It's all I could afford. The Amish quilts are amazing and worth every penny but way over my budget.

Evan and Olivia's mommy has made some quilts but they're hers. She made this one for me for Christmas. A quilt and a matching pillow. I love it, especially because she made it.

It has a pocket for my feet.

And then I realized I do have a Q. Actually, a
queue, bigger than most. I have 243 projects in my queue and I keep adding. I
want to make everything but probably I won't. I keep saying that I'm leaving my queue in my will.

If you look closely, there are nine, count 'em nine, pages in my queue. Is that a record?

So I do have a Q after all and it was staring me in the face all the time.